Let's start from the very start. The Covid-19 virus which today has a firm hold over almost all countries of the world, first surfaced sometime in November 2019, in China. Next thing we know was that it started spreading from one human to another. In the beginning, it was not so serious and felt like a mild wave like any other disease that has ever surfaced on Earth. But, eventually, it became so strong that it is today the most feared topic. In this blog, let's look at how and what China and the The Chinese government has done, with this virus. Is it really a biological weapon launched by China? Let's look at some of the factors that point out towards it being one. 1. The Doctor who could have saved the world: In December 2019, a Chinese doctor, Li Wenliang, tried to report this disease and alert the authorities in China, to contain it before it becomes a threat. However, what he got in return was a document which he was made to sign. The docum...
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